Sports Card Collecting. Nostalgia Nerd. Dad jokes on fleek.

Sports Card Collecting. Nostalgia Nerd. Dad jokes on fleek.

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Michael Jordan Held A Private Signing for PSA 10, 86 Fleer Jordan Cards?

Michael Jordan occasionally participates in autograph signings, where fans and collectors have the opportunity to obtain his signature on various items such as basketballs, jerseys, trading cards, and memorabilia. These signings are typically organized by reputable autograph companies, sports memorabilia retailers, or event organizers. However, it’s important to note that Michael Jordan’s autograph signings are…

Would you SELL your whole Collection for 1 Card?

Deciding whether to sell your entire sports card collection for one great sports card depends on your individual circumstances, goals, and the specifics of your collection. Here are some factors to consider when making this decision: Value and Rarity: Assess the value and rarity of the great sports card you’re considering acquiring compared to the…

1984 Star #101 IS the TRUE Michael Jordan Rookie Card. Debate Over.

The 1980s saw the rise of basketball cards as a popular collectible, driven largely by the emergence of superstar players like Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, and Michael Jordan. Here’s a brief overview of the story behind 1980s Star basketball cards: Introduction of Star Company: Star Company, founded by Gary Dahl, entered the sports card market…

1st Fanatics Sports Card Event Announced. Looks Wild.

Fanatics is a well-known sports merchandise company that produces and sells licensed sports apparel, memorabilia, and collectibles. It’s possible that they may organize or sponsor sports card shows or events in collaboration with other companies or organizations. Sports card shows are events where collectors, dealers, and enthusiasts gather to buy, sell, trade, and showcase sports…

PSA + Ebay Will Offer Grading + Listing with 1 Click.

Buying sports cards on eBay can be an exciting way to expand your collection or invest in valuable cards. Here are some tips to consider when buying sports cards on eBay: Research: Before making a purchase, research the cards you’re interested in to understand their market value, condition, and any specific factors that may affect…

Other Collectibles Videos

4 Key Comic Books $1500- $2500. Which of these would you Buy?

Deciding which Silver Age comic books to buy depends on various factors, including personal preferences, budget, and investment goals. The Silver Age of comic books, roughly spanning from the late 1950s to the early 1970s, is known for introducing iconic characters, revitalizing the superhero genre, and featuring groundbreaking storylines and artwork. Here are some key…

Why Graded Comic Book Prices Will Fall in 2024.

Graded comic book prices are influenced by various factors, including the popularity of characters, storylines, and specific issues, as well as broader economic trends and collector preferences. However, there are a few considerations that could potentially impact graded comic book prices: Market Saturation: The increasing popularity of comic book grading services has led to a…